Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Deadlift Digest: Resources

Pavel Tsatsouline demo'ing the DL in PTTP

Beyond of course Pavel Tsatsouline's Power to the People aka PTTP, here are some of my fave finds for deadlift resources.
Online Refs:
For inspiration:

And this just in, recommended by RKC Fireman Tom:

If you have some fave deadlifting resources of information or inspiration, please shout.

As i learn of more good stuff, i'll update these lists.


Mike T Nelson said...

It must be the socks! ha!

Excellent work here! I will link it to mine after my PhD written exams are turned in July 3. Feel free to pester if I space it out though.

Rock on
Mike N

dr. m.c. said...

Good luck on the submissions, Mike, not that you need it.
If you come back to this post, let me know why you're looking DOWN for most of that knee high lift...


Mike T Nelson said...

I am actually not trying to LOOK down, but I am trying to keep my neck in a neutral position to avoid any arthrokinetic reflex at the cervical spine. I see you have Dr. Cobb's article posted here too!

Currently I am working on fixing up my thoracic spine more again, so I have switched to trap bar DLs for some time.

Rock on
Mike N


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