The Best One Day Kettlebell Certification: the HKC UK June 6, '10
Follow @mcphoo
This page contains everything you'll want to know about the first UK HKC one day kettlebell certification - the best one day kb cert on HOW to teach kettlebell basics, including
why attend, curriculum, requirements, location, how this cert is effectively free if you go on to do an RKC, and how to get some dragon door kettlebells at the same time.
Why Attend? You want to learn about kettlebells &/or and how to teach them to others.
You may have a few questions, like:
The answer to each of the above is the HKC, the Hardstyle Kettlebell Certification
a one day, in-depth instructor certification program.
HKC Participants learn how to
RKC Pedigree. Indeed, the HKC is part of the RKC, founded by Pavel Tsatsouline nine years ago. The RKC is one of the largest Kettlebell organizations on the planet, with a network of over 1500 RKC instructors. Despite the size of the organization, the lead instructor of this HKC course is one of only 7 Master Trainers in the world in the RKC school.
Why does an RKC based cert mean quality instruction?
Because of both the size of the instuctor pool and longevity of the RKC itself, it has a depth to its lead instruction team that is hard to match anywhere else in the industry. People who coach olympic athletes, university athletes, world class, professional sports teams and fighters, people who are champions themselves, people with a range of medical and science backrounds, as well as successful, experienced personal trainers make up the kinds of folks who inform the RKC and its approach.
Where all this espertise is focused in the RKC however is to constantly refine how best to TEACH teachers to teach kettlebells. The RKC is set up as a School of Strength, where strength is a skill, and its goal is to ensure its instructors:
The HKC is a great way to get a solid introduction to and foundation in kettlebell training whether for personal practice or for teaching professionally.
For strength coaches and personal trainers who are interested in integrating kettlebell practice into their programs with their athletes and clients, the HKC provides the techniques and program design tools to use kettlebell work with confidence. The curriculum integrates biomechanics with practical applications for safe, effective practice.
As an intense, one day certification, trainers are getting a solid introduction to kettlebell training with minimal time away from clients - a great way to gain the skills to use with clients and decide if the trainer wants to go further with this practice. The HKC is also fabulous groundworkfor the RKC certification (notes below on how all fees for the HKC will apply to the cost of an RKC if done within 12 months of the HKC).
For individuals interested in the best instruction on how to use kettlebells for their own strength, health and fitness practice, whethere one is an experienced triathlete or fighter or someone who sees kettlebells as a new, old school approach to advance their fitness practice, this course will be the best one day program you will have taken. Really. Pavel Tsatsouline compares the course in this regard to a user Certification "like SCUBA" Check out this Q&A on the HKC for Individuals.
Here's a video from the first HKC to give a sense of participants and curriculum:
HKC Curriculum
The following course description is taken directly from the HKC registration page for the workshop
If an HKC instructor wants to go on to do the RKC, anywhere in the world, within a year of completing the HKC, the full cost of the HKC goes towards the RKC.
If a person already knows they want to do the RKC, then doing the HKC offers additional training time with a Master RKC to prep for that certification. It's a no brainer: the more time one has with a coach, the better their performance.
If someone just wants to get this foundational certification and not think about the RKC right now, that's great too: the door is wide open for the rest of the year to apply that HKC value to an RKC cert.
This is a serious course, and we want to see everyone succeed, so there are a couple strength tests that participants MUST PASS to ensure there is the fundamental level of strength necessary to undertake the instructor training. Men must carry out 5 strict pull ups or chin ups. Women must carry out a 15 sec flex arm hang. The specific details of these tests are posted below.
Show HKC Strength Test Details
Candidates will be evaluated for technical proficiency and teaching skills at the end of the workshop and will then be granted either a pass or fail.
Sports Performance & Training Centre
University of Southampton
Wide Lane
SO50 5PE
View Larger Map
The map shows the walking distance from the railway station to the site.
This is a fabulous location for transportation links: the field/gym is right beside the Southampton Airport train station AND Southampton airport, as well as on main roadways. There's on-site parking.
The following map pops in local hotels, and you can see the train station and airport just off the A335 as is the gym.
View Larger Map
We've scheduled the times to make it possible to travel down and back for the day, and on a Sunday so trainers are not giving up precious saturday training time, but if you'd like to come in the day before there are a number of hotels very close to the site, the Premier Inn being the main one (it's A on the map above), making it possible literally to walk from plane, train, hotel to the site.
Start & End time: 9:00 registration paper work and introductions; 9:30 sharp start. Half hour for lunch, going till 6pm.
It's a big day and will start on time.
Please email mc dot hkcuk at googlemail dot com once you've registered
to say hi, let me know you're coming, and/or to ask any questions you may have that aren't answered here for you.
If you want to pick up Dragon Door Kettlebells at the HKC
We are bringing in a shipment of Dragon Door Kettlebells for the certification. These are the best hardstyle brand kettlebells. So, if you'd like to purchase some to take home after the cert, please email mc dot hkcuk at before April 20th with the size and number you'd like and for payment in advance. Existing RKC's in the UK who want to come down on the day of the cert to pick up bells that are PREORDERED may do so as well.
Because we're making a big order we'll be able to pass on the savings in shipping, but we won't know exactly what that discount is until we have an idea of what folks want. We also want to make sure we have time to order, so we need to get a heads up by April 20th.
To get the prices of the bells before any shipping, please take a look at for EU prices (and RKC discounts)
Related resources:
why attend, curriculum, requirements, location, how this cert is effectively free if you go on to do an RKC, and how to get some dragon door kettlebells at the same time.
If you already know you want to register, you can do so HERE, NOW directly
Why Attend? You want to learn about kettlebells &/or and how to teach them to others.
You may have a few questions, like:
- How do you train with a kettlebell safely and efficiently?
- How do you teach others the best way to work with a kettlebell safely and effectively?
- How do you design a program to make the best use of kettlbells for yours or your clients' needs?
- How do you ensure that you have ongoing support to advance your training after your certification?
- How do you make sure the training you receive is from the best international instrcutors so you can have confidence in the techniques you learn?

a one day, in-depth instructor certification program.
June 6, 2010, U of Southampton, UK
and RKC II mc of
Here's why:and RKC II mc of
HKC Participants learn how to
- perform core kettlebell movements
- detect and apply corrective strategies to help students progress into these movements
- use a rich variety of approaches to develop training programs for themselves and their clients
RKC Pedigree. Indeed, the HKC is part of the RKC, founded by Pavel Tsatsouline nine years ago. The RKC is one of the largest Kettlebell organizations on the planet, with a network of over 1500 RKC instructors. Despite the size of the organization, the lead instructor of this HKC course is one of only 7 Master Trainers in the world in the RKC school.
Why does an RKC based cert mean quality instruction?
Because of both the size of the instuctor pool and longevity of the RKC itself, it has a depth to its lead instruction team that is hard to match anywhere else in the industry. People who coach olympic athletes, university athletes, world class, professional sports teams and fighters, people who are champions themselves, people with a range of medical and science backrounds, as well as successful, experienced personal trainers make up the kinds of folks who inform the RKC and its approach.
Where all this espertise is focused in the RKC however is to constantly refine how best to TEACH teachers to teach kettlebells. The RKC is set up as a School of Strength, where strength is a skill, and its goal is to ensure its instructors:
- know how to practice these skills for themselves,
- know the best techniques possible to help others learn these skills safely and effectively.
- have the resources to constantly refine and improve their personal and professional training techniques
The HKC is a great way to get a solid introduction to and foundation in kettlebell training whether for personal practice or for teaching professionally.
For strength coaches and personal trainers who are interested in integrating kettlebell practice into their programs with their athletes and clients, the HKC provides the techniques and program design tools to use kettlebell work with confidence. The curriculum integrates biomechanics with practical applications for safe, effective practice.
As an intense, one day certification, trainers are getting a solid introduction to kettlebell training with minimal time away from clients - a great way to gain the skills to use with clients and decide if the trainer wants to go further with this practice. The HKC is also fabulous groundworkfor the RKC certification (notes below on how all fees for the HKC will apply to the cost of an RKC if done within 12 months of the HKC).
For individuals interested in the best instruction on how to use kettlebells for their own strength, health and fitness practice, whethere one is an experienced triathlete or fighter or someone who sees kettlebells as a new, old school approach to advance their fitness practice, this course will be the best one day program you will have taken. Really. Pavel Tsatsouline compares the course in this regard to a user Certification "like SCUBA" Check out this Q&A on the HKC for Individuals.
Here's a video from the first HKC to give a sense of participants and curriculum:
HKC Curriculum
The following course description is taken directly from the HKC registration page for the workshop
Attend the HKC and leave with these major advantages:
And discover all this and more in the course of your HKC training:
- A deep understanding of the true benefits of kettlebell training—for both yourself and your clients
- A solid knowledge of vital kettlebell training safety procedures
- A workmanlike grasp of the fundamentals of biomechanics—to ensure your clients move with perfect form and avoid injury
- A grasp of the key HardStyle skills and principles of strength
- The ability to competently perform the three foundational kettlebell exercises (the Swing, the Get-Up, and the Goblet Squat)
- The confidence you can now correctly teach the three essential kettlebell exercises—and troubleshoot common technique problems
- The unique HKC template for designing an unlimited number of effective kettlebell workouts.
- Understand why mastery of the kettlebell swing is fundamental to high-level HardStyle practice
- How to develop power through compensatory acceleration and overspeed eccentrics
- How to train hip extension for back and knee health and athletic performance
- How to employ bracing and neutral spine—for injury prevention, enhanced performance and optimal transmission of force
- How to recruit the lat as a "core muscle" to improve the spine safety and glute strength
- How to increase power with the biomechanical breathing match
- A safe, effective modality for developing different types of endurance
- Explosive training techniques for more effective fat-loss
- The deadlift: the most "functional" exercise of all
- The two-arm swing and corrective exercises
- The concept of rooting and two key drills for developing it
- The one-arm swing
- The hand-to-hand swing
- Russian relaxation exercises to enhance the acquisition of skilful movement, increase power and endurance
- The two hundred year history of the get-up
- The get-up as an assessment tool
- The strength and health benefits of the get-up
- How to correctly perform the get-up and teach corrective drills
- How to move from mobility to stability, then from stability to strength—and why this progression is crucial for truly effective kettlebell work
- The get-up, shoulder mobility and stability exercises. The role of the lat in shoulder stability and strength—and advanced lat facilitation techniques
- How to employ and teach steering strength
- The concepts of leakage and linkage—and their importance for effective kettlebell lifting
- How to perform the goblet squat and corrective drills
- "Strength stretching" for the hips
- How to overcome gluteal amnesia
- How to most effectively stretch the hip flexors to dramatically improve athletic performance, back health, and posture
Bonus: The HKC is effectively Free for Participants who go on to the RKC.Take home an information packed HKC instructor manual:
- How to modify the squat stance for a client with back problems
- An alternative squat exercise for overweight clients
- Why "sport specific training" is inappropriate for 99% of the coaches and athletes—and a powerful alternative
HKC program design
- What makes kettlebell training unique?
- What Russian research says about the benefits of kettlebell training?
- What is "Hardstyle"?
- Kettlebell safety 101: ten key items
- The Swing: its benefits, technique, teaching progression, and remedial drills
- The Get-Up: its benefits, technique, teaching progression, and remedial drills
- The Goblet Squat: its benefits, technique, teaching progression, and remedial drills
- The three key principles of effective training identified by Russian sports scientists: continuity of the training process, waving the loads, and specialized variety,
- Ten program design tools for an unlimited variety of effective kettlebell workouts:
- Rep Ladders
- Weight Ladders
- Time Ladders
- Breathing Ladders
- Reverse Ladders
- Drop Sets
- Super Sets
- Timed Sets
- Series
- Active Recovery Exercises
If an HKC instructor wants to go on to do the RKC, anywhere in the world, within a year of completing the HKC, the full cost of the HKC goes towards the RKC.
If a person already knows they want to do the RKC, then doing the HKC offers additional training time with a Master RKC to prep for that certification. It's a no brainer: the more time one has with a coach, the better their performance.
If someone just wants to get this foundational certification and not think about the RKC right now, that's great too: the door is wide open for the rest of the year to apply that HKC value to an RKC cert.
This is a serious course, and we want to see everyone succeed, so there are a couple strength tests that participants MUST PASS to ensure there is the fundamental level of strength necessary to undertake the instructor training. Men must carry out 5 strict pull ups or chin ups. Women must carry out a 15 sec flex arm hang. The specific details of these tests are posted below.
Show HKC Strength Test Details
HKC Detailed Requirements:
The HKC™ strength test
The test is based on the US Marine Corps'. The requirements are 5 pullups or chinups for men and a 15sec flexed-arm hang for women.
- Sweatshirts will be removed during the conduct of the pullup/chinup event in order to observe the lockout of the elbows with each repetition.
- Assistance to the bar with a step up, being lifted up, or jumping up is authorized. Any assistance up to the bar will not be used to continue into the first pullup/chinup.
- The bar must be grasped with both palms facing either forward or to the rear.
- The correct starting position begins when the student's arms are fully extended beneath the bar, feet are free from touching the ground or any bar mounting assist, and the body is motionless.
- The student's legs may be positioned in a straight or bent position, but may not be raised above the waist.
- One repetition consists of raising the body with the arms until the chin is above the bar, and then lowering the body until the arms are fully extended; repeat the exercise. At no time during the execution of this event can a student rest his chin on the bar.
- The intent is to execute a vertical "dead hang" pullup/chinup. A certain amount of inherent body movement will occur as the pullup/chinup is executed. However, the intent is to avoid a pendulum-like motion that enhances the ability to execute the pullup/chinup. Whipping, kicking, kipping of the body or legs, or any leg movement used to assist in the vertical progression of the pullup/chinup is not authorized. If observed, the repetition will not count for score.
- A repetition will be counted when an accurate and complete pullup is performed.
- Gloves, chalk, or other grip aids are not allowed.
Flexed-Arm Hang
The goal of the flexed-arm hang event is for a student to hang with the chin above the bar for 15 sec. The procedures are:
- Assistance to the bar with a step up, being lifted up, or jumping up to the start position is authorized.
- The bar must be grasped with both palms facing either forward or to the rear.
- The correct starting position begins when the student's arms are flexed at the elbow, the chin is held above the bar and not touching it, and the body is motionless. At no time during the execution of this event can a student rest her chin on the bar.
- The clock stops as soon as the student's chin is no longer above the bar.
- Gloves, chalk, or other grip aids are not allowed.
Candidates will be evaluated for technical proficiency and teaching skills at the end of the workshop and will then be granted either a pass or fail.
Help Prep for the HKC: If you're not working with an RKC right now to prep for the cert and you'd like your form checked prior to the even, i do tune up consulations via web cam and Skype (as well as in person). Shout if you'd like a hand. 15% discount on initial session for all folks upon HKC registration. Greater discount for a one plus three pack for initial movement assessment and following sessions to focus on prep for each main move.
Location for June 6 RKC:
Sports Performance & Training Centre
University of Southampton
Wide Lane
SO50 5PE
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The map shows the walking distance from the railway station to the site.
This is a fabulous location for transportation links: the field/gym is right beside the Southampton Airport train station AND Southampton airport, as well as on main roadways. There's on-site parking.
The following map pops in local hotels, and you can see the train station and airport just off the A335 as is the gym.
View Larger Map
We've scheduled the times to make it possible to travel down and back for the day, and on a Sunday so trainers are not giving up precious saturday training time, but if you'd like to come in the day before there are a number of hotels very close to the site, the Premier Inn being the main one (it's A on the map above), making it possible literally to walk from plane, train, hotel to the site.
Start & End time: 9:00 registration paper work and introductions; 9:30 sharp start. Half hour for lunch, going till 6pm.
It's a big day and will start on time.
Hardstyle Kettlebell Certification™ |
Please email mc dot hkcuk at googlemail dot com once you've registered
to say hi, let me know you're coming, and/or to ask any questions you may have that aren't answered here for you.
If you want to pick up Dragon Door Kettlebells at the HKC
We are bringing in a shipment of Dragon Door Kettlebells for the certification. These are the best hardstyle brand kettlebells. So, if you'd like to purchase some to take home after the cert, please email mc dot hkcuk at before April 20th with the size and number you'd like and for payment in advance. Existing RKC's in the UK who want to come down on the day of the cert to pick up bells that are PREORDERED may do so as well.
Because we're making a big order we'll be able to pass on the savings in shipping, but we won't know exactly what that discount is until we have an idea of what folks want. We also want to make sure we have time to order, so we need to get a heads up by April 20th.
To get the prices of the bells before any shipping, please take a look at for EU prices (and RKC discounts)
Related resources:
- There is a fantastic overview of the HKC with more vids at Keats Snideman's blog.
- Related resources on training with kettlebells at
- b2d interview with Andrea du Cane (shown left) about the HKC and related
- Pull Ups 101

Help Prep for the HKC If you're not working with an RKC right now to prep for the cert and you'd like your form checked prior to the even, i do tune up consulations via web cam and Skype (as well as in person). Shout if you'd like a hand. 15% discount on initial session for all folks upon HKC registration. Greater discount for a one plus three pack for initial movement assessment and following sessions to focus on prep for each main move.Tweet Follow @begin2dig
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